John Rice
Rochester, MN
John A Rice

Music in Arcadia: Batoni’s Portrait of Giacinta Orsini and Aurisicchio’s Cantata on the Departure of Her Father

Pompeo Batoni’s portrait of the young noblewoman Giacinta Orsini, leaning on a harpsichord and holding a lyre, is well known to historians of eighteenth-century Italian portraiture. It has been exhibited and reproduced often, attracting attention not only for its beauty and for the teenage subject’s amazing accomplishments and talents, but also because Batoni (known today primarily as a painter of Britons on the Grand Tour) made few portraits of Italian women. The scholars who have commented on the portrait have said little about the prominent role in it of music: not only the two instruments but the manuscript that rests conspicuously on the music stand, as if inviting viewers to peruse it.
            Accepting the invitation, I have identified the music as an excerpt from a cantata by Antonio Aurisicchio, virtuoso in the service of Cardinal Domenico Orsini, Giacinta’s father. The cantata, which survives in a manuscript in the Frank V. de Bellis Collection at San Francisco State University, is a substantial work for coloratura soprano and orchestra consisting of an overture, two obbligato recitatives and two arias. The manuscript does not name the author of the text or explain its purpose. The author was Giacinta herself, a member of Rome’s Arcadian Academy; she addressed this componimento per musica to her father, who was about to set out on a long voyage.
            The identification of Giacinta and Aurisicchio as co-creators of the music in Batoni’s portrait, and the discovery that it served as an expression of a daughter’s affection for her father, enhance our understanding of the painting’s complex program, which documents Giacinta’s place in Arcadia and in one of Rome’s wealthiest families. My presentation will discuss Giacinta’s life and achievements, her componimento per musica and its setting by Aurisicchio, and the role of their cantata in Batoni’s portrait. I hope to arrange, as the final part of the presentation, a performance of the music depicted in portrait.

For a good reproduction of Batoni’s portrait of Giacinta Orsini, see