Andrew Granade
University of Missouri - Kansas City
John Cage, Harry Partch, and Maverick Histories
John Cage and Harry Partch are often labeled “Maverick
Composers” and linked to composers from William Billings to Laurie Anderson.
However, any surface similarities belie strong and significant differences
between the two. This talk takes a closer look at this relationship, first
tracing the history of their interactions and then teasing out the influences
each had on the other, first in Partch’s Castor and Pollux and then in
Cage’s HPSCHD. By exploring this tense, but mutually beneficial
relationship, this talk aims to not only trace a straight line of compositional
thought, but also tease out the circular dance of influence that defined these
Universal Design and the Music History Classroom
Saturday, Sept. 23rd, 10:00-12:30 PM,
First defined by David H. Rose, Ed.D. at
Harvard University in the 1990s, Universal Design for Learning encourages
educators to develop curriculum based on multiple means of representation,
expression, and engagement – all designed to address the variety of modes in
which students acquire knowledge. Granade will discuss constructive student
learning outcomes, assessments, and methods using the lens of UDL and its principles
of inclusiveness. Workshop attendees are strongly encouraged to bring their own
syllabi and lesson plans to share ideas and collaborate on strategies for
achieving greater accessibility.