The Midwest Graduate Music Consortium (MGMC) is a joint venture
organized by graduate students from Northwestern University, the
University of Chicago, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The 21st
annual meeting of MGMC will be held at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison on March 31 and April 1, 2017,
and will include paper sessions on religion and censorship, new
approaches to analysis and meaning, un(der)heard musical voices,
mediation and circulation, and music and politics. The program also
includes a new music concert featuring Madison-based contemporary
chamber ensemble Sound Out Loud performing graduate student
compositions, as well as a keynote on musical identity by Prof. Eric
Charry of Wesleyan University. In recent years, the conference has been
an excellent opportunity for school of music students to connect with
current research in the field and form a stronger community for social
and intellectual exchanges. We anticipate this year’s conference will
facilitate not only the presentation of new research and exciting
compositions, but will also promote the environment fora deep
engagement with music as a discipline.