What is sous-entendu?

Nathan Martin

There is little general consensus concerning what, precisely, Rameau understood by sous-entendre—beyond, that is, a broad agreement that the verb and its cognates enjoy a central position in his music-theoretical lexicon. Rameau says, characteristically, that the root (son fundamental) of a triad is sous-entendu, or that a dissonant seventh or added sixth is sous-entendue. But what exactly do these locutions to mean?
            The existing literature confines its attention to the case of dissonances sous-entendues and gives three conflicting answers: (1) such “implied” dissonances are purely theoretical constructs answering to the systematic constraints of Rameau’s theorizing but that make no claim on audition (Dahlhaus); (2) such dissonances are meant to be added by keyboardists (or other musicians) realizing the continuo (Lester); (3) such dissonances are “imaginary” in the sense of being psychologically real but acoustically phantasmal (Moreno).
            In attempting to adjudicate this question, I present the results of two corpus studies, one based on Rameau’s Traité de l’harmonie (1722), the other on Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie (1751–1772). I argue on their basis that: (1) in focusing so exclusively on dissonances sous-entendues commentators have artificial narrowed the semantic range of Rameau’s usage; and (2) that the terms in question can be best elucidated when their original locus in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century French grammatical treatises is recognized and exploited. Along the way, I will suggest that our attempts to come to terms with the sous-entendu have been hampered by Philip Gossett’s formally correct but contextually misleading translation of sous-entendre as “imply”—a word that carries inevitable (but in this case extraneous) Schenkerian overtones for American music theorists.